Jessica Chastain Admits to Extreme Shyness

jessica chastain

Jessica Chastain has admitted that she has debilitating shyness. The actress was a guest on Inside the Actor’s Studio and shared with host James Lipton that she was “almost having a breakdown right now.”

She went on to elaborate.

“It’s a strange thing. Acting for me has never been about wanting attention or wanting to be seen. It’s funny that I’m in a profession where that’s where I am. There’s so much I want to express. It’s about connecting with another person and the intimacy of what that is, and so I have to overcome my shyness.”

Jessica also added that she thought of herself as an “ugly duckling” growing up, and that she dropped out of high school to focus on her true passion of acting. One of the big insecurities that she faced growing up was being a redhead as opposed to a blonde.

The two-time Oscar nominee is currently starring in Miss Sloane.

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