Kate Walsh Admits ’13 Reasons Why’ Was a Draining Role

13 reasons why


Kate Walsh is one of the stars of the new Netflix series 13 Reasons Why that deals with teen suicide. The TV show is based on a book of the same name by Jay Asher.

“It’s an important project and one that I wanted to be involved with. As heavy and dark as it is to play, I was interested in the use of time and mystery aspect of it. I really wanted to honor and shed light on the parents that have had to go through this awful and horrific event in their lives. I wanted that challenge.

“It’s a great thing as an actor that you can do something that’s not only interesting, but is relevant and necessary and this is very necessary in our culture.”

Kate spent time talking to parents who had lost their children to suicide as she was preparing for the role.

“I broke down multiple times as Mrs. Baker. Towards the end it just gets exhausting … it’s a lot to carry. I think it’s very realistic. I think that’s what Brian [Yorkey, the creator] tried to communicate and certainly I did. It was very important for me to honor two people who have gone through it.”

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