Twitter Cries Foul at the Timing of Stan Lee Sexual Assault Charges

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s_bukley /

It’s a dark day for fans of comics and blockbuster movies as ninety-five-year-old Marvel founder Stan Lee has been accused of sexual assault. A nursing company that served the comic book luminary has accused Lee of some pretty heinous behavior aimed at the nurses who were supposed to care for him. With the allegations dropping just one month before the release of Black Panther, some social media users on Twitter are wondering about the curious timing.

According to the DailyMail, nurses under the care of comic book writer and editor Stan Lee have charged the senior citizen with groping and harassing “a stream of young nurses coming to his house in West Hollywood.”

Reports indicate that Lee is prone to walking around naked and asking for oral sex. The details of the case were enough to elicit a unified response from Lee’s fans on Twitter.

Once they got over their shock, some began to wonder why these accusations were coming out now, just a few weeks before the release of Black Panther, Marvel’s first movie anchored by a minority lead.

The implication being that if Lee had established a pattern of sexual harassment throughout his 50-plus year career, details would have surfaced months ago.

Representatives for Mr. Lee have categorically denied the claims, saying that the unnamed nursing company attempted to extort money from the writer before making their claims public. It’s also worth noting that a representative from Mr. Lee’s current nursing company, Vitale Nursing Inc, stated that’s been “a privilege to care for him.”

In spite of the potency of sexual harassment charges in the current climate of Hollywood, it would appear that the suit filed against Stan Lee will have little impact on the future of Marvel movies. True or false, most comic fans were quick to say that they still had firm plans next month when Black Panther hits theaters.

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