Alice Johnson’s Sentence Commuted by President Trump


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Today, President Donald Trump announced he was commuting the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, a woman sent to prison for life in 1997 for eight criminal counts related to cocaine trafficking. Last week, Kim Kardashian West visited President Trump at the White House to discuss Johnson’s sentence and the nation’s justice system.

While it is wonderful that Johnson will soon be released from jail, the effort seems like a publicity stunt more than anything else. Trump would have never stepped in to help Johnson if Kardashian West hadn’t brought the issue to his attention. To appease the wife of his bro (Kanye West), Trump took action while making no attempt to reform the country’s judiciary system.

Recently, Trump posthumously pardoned boxer Jack Johnson at the behest of Sylvester Stallone. While Stallone says he’s not a member of the Republican party, he previously stated in a Variety article from 2016 that he loves Donald Trump and has supported other GOP candidates who have run for presidential office.

The four other acts of clemency Trump has issued since taking office last year include pardoning Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, former vice presidential chief of staff Scooter Libby, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, and Navy sailor Kristian Saucier. All four of these cases involved outspoken conservatives who serve to further Trump’s agenda.

Trump’s decision today leaves many wondering what happens to those serving time behind bars needlessly who do not have a celebrity to support their cause. While Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner hopes to push prison reform, little has been seen to demonstrate that he or the president actually care about this initiative. If Trump genuinely believed prison reform was imperative to the United States, he would not have pardoned Arpaio, a man who abused his power as sheriff by treating inmates inhumanely throughout his career.

Needless to say, Kardashian West was very excited her visit to the Oval Office helped Johnson. Now she can rest easy and get back to her very important schedule of self-promotion, beauty enhancement, and shopping.

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