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6. They Both Started Out as Lighthearted Outliers

Many people balk at comparisons between Hitler and Trump because of Hitler’s ultimate manifestation of extreme evil. It seems inflammatory and inconceivable to insinuate that Trump would ever match that degree of horror. However, looking back to how Hitler was perceived before he actually took the reins of power, there are some striking similarities. Back when Aldolf Hitler was a fringe up-and-comer in German politics, he was just a refreshingly quirky kook outside the establishment who seemed prepared to shake up the status quo, and a desperate people ate it up. Nobody really took him seriously at first, but people were intrigued enough to keep watching the entertaining guy (much like Trump). Most reasonable Germans in the 1920s and 1930s couldn’t imagine the path they were eventually led down. Let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself in this case.

Hitler signing autograph
Trump signing autograph

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