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3. Joanie and Chachi, ‘Happy Days’

Let’s start here: fans of Happy Days didn’t want to see Joanie end up with Chachi. They didn’t want to see her end up with anyone, really, because it was hard to watch the world’s best little sister grow up at all. Chachi was a total pipsqueak with near stalker-like tendencies who was an unnecessary addition to Happy Days (also, Scott Baio … not very talented). The fact that these two got their own ill-advised spin-off was shocking. What wasn’t shocking was that the show was cancelled after 17 episodes before the couple was folded back into Happy Days.

Joanie and Chachi

2. Jerry and Elaine, ‘Seinfeld’

Exactly how much awful is it possible to squeeze into one relationship? Throughout the nine season run of Seinfeld, the writers occasionally had Jerry and Elaine flirt with (and occasionally commit to) the idea of a relationship. Sure, they’re extremely similar in a vapid, cruel, self-involved kind of way, but does the world really need these two people combining forces? Can you imagine the destruction this pairing would wreak on the world? I shudder at the thought.

Jerry and Elaine

1. Ralph and Alice, ‘The Honeymooners’

Watching Audrey Meadows and Jackie Gleason take on a disgruntled blue collar marriage was not only scathingly funny when it premiered in 1955, it was also borderline revolutionary comedy. All that praise aside, if you actually lived next to The Honeymooners, you’d pray for their imminent divorce. Not only was the couple constantly bickering in their dilapidated kitchen, but Gleason routinely threatened his wife with domestic violence. Add to that the fact that Alice Kramden was way too good for Ralph and you’ve got a disaster of a couple just barely scraping by.

The Honeymooners

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