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4. ‘Man of Steel’

Okay, if you ask some people — like this writer — pretty much the entirety of Man of Steel is a big, boring, loud mess. It plays like a music video made in the late nineties, with Superman as the conflicted hero at its center. He spends almost the entire film moaning and groaning about what he should do with his life (a very non-Superman trait), only to decide at the last minute that he should beat the crap out of the bad guy in the middle of a city, regardless of the loss of life (another non-Superman trait) before snapping his neck in order to end the threat. In the entire history of the character, Superman has only killed one thing, ever (it was Doomsday). And even then he only did it because it was literally the only way to stop him. Offing Zod makes no sense, it’s not Superman, and it kills the momentum of the film, which again, was boring anyway.

Man of Steel

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