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4. Garth Volbeck’s Backstory

Though the final cut of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off doesn’t give the viewer much insight into Charlie Sheen’s character, an Inside Story documentary revealed that there’s more than meets the eye with this juvenile delinquent named Garth Volbeck. Originally, Garth’s story was going to be a bigger part of the movie, where the audience finds out Mrs. Bueller is showing the Volbeck family homes on the day Ferris decides to skip school. Additionally, Volbeck’s Wrecking Service is called out to the Bueller residence to tow Mr. Rooney’s car. The script also included that Ferris and Garth were friends in eighth grade. However, that brief scene with him flirting with Jeannie in the police station was worth it all the same. Apparently Sheen stayed up for 48 hours to achieve that drugged-out look.


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